Web Builder

Website Builder application with Live Chat, Content Management System, Static Website and Integration API

Live Chat
Content Management System
Forum & Group Chat
Blog & News
Ticketing System
Email Notification
3rd-party Integration
Simple CRUD Application
Mobile Friendly
Single Page Application
SEO Friendly
Single Sign On
CMS Templates :
Blog, Forum, News, Wiki, Portfolio, Small-Medium Size Enterprise
Static Website Templates:
Simplest, Banner, Minimalist, Biography, Brochure, Small Business, Landing Page, Profile, Slides

Web Applications Gear (WebAppGear) as the name provides a set of effortless website embeddable widgets to enrich your primary website features with simple steps integration. Besides, the widgets, WebAppGear also provides sophisticated Website Building tools for non-technical users without coding at all.

WebAppGear is a project code, on which the development focus on developing a flexible UI framework and UI with simple business logic. WebAppGear is a part of the ARDVRO Platform as a component or product. Thus, WebAppGear also inherits the ARDVRO Platform behaviour, which is easy to integrate, flexible, secure communication and the modularity of the API.

ARDVRO System have automated IT Infrastructure mechanism that will automatically set up your account including the domain, once the system received a payment notification from the payment gateway without any human intervention.

Content Management System

Integrated Content Management System with multi-functions purpose in one screen:

  • Customer Service Live Chat
  • Private Chat
  • Group Chat
  • Forum
  • Ticketing System
  • Blog & Article
  • Documentation Management
  • Pictures Gallery
  • Contacts Management
  • 3rd-party Integration



Effortless integration to another application with a few lines of javascript embedded script.

Static Website

Although you already have a primary website or you already have an account on the marketplace for your online business, however, some simple static websites can help to improve your primary website SEO ranking. The more URLs that link to your primary website, the more likely your website can be show up in the google search engine.

ARDVRO provides 1 free Static Website, and you can add more static websites as a landing page to link to your primary website. You can have a Static Website with 3 simple steps: 1) Select Template. 2) Input content. 3) Submit and Pay, then just wait a moment until your website is online, you will be notified via email.


Card image

Simple Website with a banner image, just upload your banner image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

Website template to create biography info of a company, person, or anyhing. Provides 5 pages menu. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

Website template to create personal blog. Chat Feature available. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image

Website template to display brochure on a website, consist of 1 simple page that contains images and text. This is the easier template to start with. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image

Simple website template for small business with up to 15 pages, easy to use, fastest access by visitors. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

Website template to create enterprise website, provides 5 home banners, 4 mini box on the home pages, and blog, articles. Also available Chat feature. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image

Website template to create Forum and Group. Chat Feature available. The comment will be realtime chat. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0/Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image
Landing Page

Simple website to display your products information. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0/Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

Simple and Colorful Website, you can customize the theme, keywords, the content will be based on your workgroup information.
Free USD 0/Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image
News Portal

Website template to create news portal. Live Chat available. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image

Website template to create portfolio, images, and others. Select the Gallery Comment Type when you create a content. Live Chat Available. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image

Simple template to display profile of person, could be an online CV. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

The simplest website template, no need customize, the content will be based on your workgroup information.
Free USD 0/Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

Create a presentation on this website, up to 10 slides. It will play automatically. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 32 /Year
Pro USD 64 /Year.

Card image

Website template to create wikipedia website. Customer services Chat available. You can customize the theme, upload your logo, and background image.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.

Card image
CRUD Application

Simple Create-Read-Update-Delete Application support Foreign Key Lookup, Associations Grid, Menu Role and all features on SQLJSON, including Cloud Backend.
Free USD 0 /Year.
Lite USD 64 /Year
Pro USD 128 /Year.


  1. The price does not include the domain name.
  2. Pricing will be fluctuated based on the currency exchange rate.
  3. New domain registration or domain transfer will need up to 24 hours to propagate on the internet. More detail.

Create Website


  1. Select a template.
    WebApggear select template
  2. Create website content. Type your website content like you typing on the MS. Word App.
    WebAppGear Content
  3. Select package options:
    WebAppGear select packages
  4. If you select FREE package, then just klik "Submit and Deploy".
    WebAppGear select free package
  5. If you select Lite Package, then fill your domain, subscription duration, and voucher code if you have. We highly recommended this options for non-IT background Note new domain will take approximately upto 48 hours to be redirected to ARDVRO Server, as well as existing or transfered domain. You can manage the domain on the Domain menu in the Dashboard https://app.ardvro.com. The domain will remain yours as long as you pay the registration fee to the Domain registrar, can be through us or others.
    WebAppGear lite package
  6. If you select Pro Package, you need to fill up your CPanel username with 8 characters length. Note: if you are Advanced User with some basic IT background, you can choose the Pro Package. But if you want the simplest one, you can also choose the Lite Package. if you are a non-technical user without any IT background, we highly recommend choosing the Lite Package.
    WebAppGear Pro
  7. Payments. The payment will depend on your country, and it will display an information on how to pay, and follow the instruction.
    WebAppGear Payments
  8. Deployment. After we received your payment, our system will automatically deploy your website. Note: for new domain it will takes approximately between 3 to 48 hours to redirected to ARDVRO Server, as well as for transfer domain or exsiting domain that not point to ARDVRO name server yet. ARDVRO NameServer ns1.ardvro.org ns2.ardvro.org


Modify Website


  1. Go to ARDVRO Dashboard https://app.ardvro.com
    WebApggear select template
  2. Click website menu on the dashboard
    WebApggear select template
  3. Click an child web application (subdomain application)
    WebApggear select template
  4. Click setting, then modify your website content, type like you type in Ms.Word application
    WebApggear select template
  5. Click NEXT to SAVE your changes. If you not click "Next", you will lost your changes, unleast you did not mean to modify it.
    WebApggear select template
  6. You need to redeploy your website to affected your previous changes.
    WebApggear select template



        script src="/res/config/PageConfig.js"
        script src="/res/config/WebsiteConfig.js"
        script src="/res/config/WebsiteSetting.js"
        script src="/res/js/production/ardvro.core.package.js"
        script src="/ardvro/ardvro.js"
        script src="/res/js/public.js"
            const WEBSOCKETURL = "";
            const WEBBASEURL = "";
            const CDNURL = "";
            window.onload = function () {
            (function () {
                Loader.InitDependencies(WEBBASEURL, CDNURL, [ArdvroCoreDependencies]);
let contentCtrl = new ContentController( 
        Connector: Website.GetConnector(), 
         OnLoad: function(db) 
              db.GetSubContents(39, null, '', 0, 1000, function (data) { 
              if (data == null || data.List == null || data.List.length == 0) 
              { return; log("No data"); } 
Further Documentation: