Term of Service

The term of ARDVRO, We, Our, Us in this term of service means ARDVRO as a company that provides the services.

The term of Client, Customer, User, You in this term of service means any party who use the ARDVRO's Services.




ARDVRO is a start-up software company that provides Backend as a Service with Artificial Intelligence API. ARDVRO also is a registered brand and copyrighted software. Basically, ARDVRO runs a Business-to-Business model type and targets the market segments of the IT departments of enterprises, startup companies, individual software developers, and small-medium enterprises (UMKM).

ARDVRO's services can be used by registering a subscription through a purchase order process. ARDVRO provides FREE versions and the Premium versions of subscription. By using ARDVRO's services also means an agreement to the subscription term of services provided by ARDVRO.

Before ordering the premium subscriptions, we highly recommend trying our FREE subscriptions first to have a look in more detail at all the features provided by ARDVRO and to analyse if all of them fit your requirements. However, please be noticed that we design the FREE versions only for trial, testing and development purposes. We do not recommend using the FREE versions for productions purpose, since it is subject to downtime, slower performance, it also has a data loss risk, although you can backup it manually through our backup tools. If you continue to use the FREE version for production, you run it at your own risk.

When you have the premium subscription, you can still have your FREE package running, and we do not define the end time of the FREE package, however, we limited certain server resources that can be used by the FREE subscriptions.

The FREE version will run under a subdomain of ardvro.net, therefore, once you order the FREE subscription after you configure your web or application styles, our system will automatically install/deploy your website/applications/services to your selected subdomain name. For instance, https://yourshopname.ardvro.net. Thus, you can utilise all application features provided on the subdomain.

We also provided a public demo version to have a quick look at all ARDVRO products. Nevertheless, please be noticed that everyone on the internet can use and modify all data on these public demo versions without any credentials needed.

To order the premium subscription, the clients should provide a domain name in the order process. The domain name could be ordered along with the services in the order form or transferring an existing domain from other providers to ARDVRO, or just using the existing domain without transfer. However, to use the existing domain without transfer, the domain name server should be redirected to ns1.ardvro.org and ns2.ardvro.org. Therefore, the domain propagation period of a maximum of 72 hours will be applied in this condition.

We required the clients to provide a domain name because later after their ordered application/website/services got installed, the clients will access their website/application/services through a domain name. Moreover, to perform the deployment, our system will deploy the website/application/services under a domain name, thus the domain name is also required by our system.

We defined some Terms of Services described below for convenience and satisfaction.


Order Process.

Overall, we defined four steps in the order process. First of all, register and log in. The clients input their username and email, get verification code on email, activate the account, then log in. Secondly, select and customize the template. After selecting the services or applications, then choose a template. After that, customize the template. Thirdly, submit order and payment. After selecting an application hosting package, provide domain name, define the subscription duration, submit the order, then proceed with the payment on the payment screen view. The last step is automated installation and publication by our system. After receiving payment notification, our system will automatically purchase the domain name if any, then check for the domain propagation. Subsequently, install and publish your service or application. Finally, your service or application is ready at your chosen domain, for instance: https://www.mybusinessdomain.com



If you have already submitted your order and you have not proceeded with payment, if you wish to cancel the order, simply just ignore the invoice and do not proceed with payment. Our system will automatically cancel and delete any unpaid invoice within 24 hours. However, if you have already submitted the payment and you wish to cancel, you would be subject to our refund policy, please read our refund policy.


Payments and Currency Policy.

The clients have the option to select the payment methods supported by ARDVRO when processing the order form. ARDVRO system supports three payment methods:

  1. Bank Central Asia (BCA), Currency IDR (Rp).
    This payment method is a manual bank transfer and it will be checked manually, and it only supports all transfers from Indonesian banks. Our system will generate 3 digits payment code as the charge at the last three digits of the payment amount and will not be more than 1000. This three digits code would be helpful to consolidate a payment. Since it is performing manual checking, thus will take up to 24 hours to proceed. We will regularly check any payments, however, it would be helpful if you Confirm with us after you made the payment.

  2. Midtrans, Currency IDR (Rp).
    Midtrans is a payment gateway provider, and the payment will automatically be checked by the system. Supported payment methods by the provider: GoPay, BCA VA, BNI VA, BRI VA, Mandiri Bill, Permata VA, QRIS, MasterCard, Visa, JCB, American Express and it is only supported for Indonesia Currency (IDR / Rp / Rupiah). There is a charge of 2% and 3 digits payment code from your total amount if you select this payment method, however, once our system received an acceptance payment notification from the payment gateway, your application will immediately be proceeded by our system automatically without human intervention. This three digits code would be helpful to consolidate a payment.

  3. PayPal, Currency USD ($).
    Our system will utilize the PayPal payment gateway API to proceed with the payment in USD. Supported payment methods by the provider: PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, JCB, American Express, and it is only supported for US Dollar Currency (USD / $). There is a charge of 4% and 2 digits decimal points from your total amount if you select this payment method, however, once our system received an acceptance payment notification from the payment gateway, your application will immediately be proceeded by our system automatically without human intervention. This two digits decimal points code would be helpful to consolidate a payment.


Subscription Policy.

  1. Resources Limitation.
    Each subscription application/website/service has a limitation on server resources depending on the ordered package. Space usage up to 100% of the limit will cause the application/website/service can not to receive email and access the Database. The monthly bandwidth usage that reaches 100% of the limit will cause the application/website/service can not be accessed until the beginning of the next month.

  2. FREE, LITE, PRO, BIZ Package Resources.
    Since these packages run under a shared-hosting technology, therefore, by default, we cannot limit any CPU and RAM consumption on it, therefore, we allow clients application/website/services to consume the server resources with a reasonable limit. However, if we found that a purchased application/website/service highly consumed the server resources and have been caused issues to other clients, first we will inform the client and attach some screenshots, then we will stop the application/service/website for a temporary. And then we will discuss and advise the client to upgrade their package to the VPS or Dedicated package.

  3. Things that are highly prohibited.
    • The client's website/application/services should not contain or be used for any: pornographic, hacking, phishing, cracking, racism, scam, money games, fraud, illegal online loan, selling illegal products and services, selling any counterfeit goods, spying, or anything else that goes against the law especially the Indonesian laws including the cyberlaw and international laws.
    • The client's website/application/services should not use domain names that resemble a particular organization or business in order to commit fraud or any intends that is against the laws.
    • The clients should not destruct, insert, copy, create data and systems that exist on the ARDVRO server which is not their's right.
    • The clients should not spreading spam with email, chat messenger or any applications, email massive forwarding, blackmail.
    • The clients should not undertake any action that caused any technical issues on the whole systems, or any action that against the laws.

If the clients violate these rules, then we are not responsible for any consequences that occur because of this violation and be free for any demands, and the client will take all the responsibilities for all. We also will immediately deactivate the client's website/application/services and terminate the subscription without any refund and without any confirmation if we found it.

  1. Expired subscriptions.
    Our system will automatically generate a new invoice 15 days before the subscriptions expired. This invoice will be sent to the client email and also be notified on our system. The payment should be made before the due date to avoid deletion. Our system will regularly check for expired subscriptions and automatically uninstall and delete the expired applications/website/services including dropping its database. Therefore, we highly recommend backup your database regularly by using our backup tools which is will download to your device. In case on which you did not purchase your domain from us, if the domain expired while your subscription with us is still valid, it will make your application/website/services become inaccessible, thus you need to renew your domain to your provider.

  2. Terminating your subscription.
    Terminating your subscription to ARDVRO services, the licence and right to use the applications were also revoked.


Domain Name Policy.

Please be noticed, if your purchase a new domain name with us or your existing domain name need to be redirected to our server, it would take between 3 to 72 hours to propagate. Our system will periodically check for the new domain name if it has been redirected to our server or not before continuing to the deployment process automatically. For more information about domain propagation please read here.

Once our system successfully purchases the domain name to the Domain Registrar, the domain will be yours, you can transfer it to another provider as long as you purchase the renewal either from us or another provider. Therefore, we cannot provide any refund for domain purchases for any reason, since the domain registrar also do not provide any refund to us.

Please be noticed, that the domain registrar will reject a new domain registration if you did not provide valid information (name, address, city, phone, postcode, email). In terms of this case, your order status will become "Paid", however, our system cannot perform the installation process, because our system needs a domain name that has already been pointed to our server. Thus, you need first to correct your information on the Workgroup form, then you need to contact us to report this issue, our staff will analyse the issue then re-order the domain name manually. This case will make a delay to your application/website/services deliverable.

In a condition where you already purchase a domain name, however,  in the meantime, somehow the domain names have been taken by others in the waiting and processing period, and our system cannot purchase the domain, then nothing we can do. You have options to propose a refund or find another domain name. In this case, you need to contact us to perform it manually. Therefore, we highly recommend immediately to proceed the payment once you submit the subscription order.


Privacy Policy.

By using ARDVRO services means you agreed to provide some information needed by the system technically.

Basically, ARDVRO does not need any personal information from the clients, except only a valid email for verification and security purpose. We will not use your personal information for analyzing purposes, machine learning, data mining, marketing, or any such activities that need data since we do not perform such operations or similar things.

However, when purchasing a premium subscription on which it needs a domain name, you need to provide valid information of name, address, city, province, postcode, phone and email because the information is needed by the domain registrar to perform the domain name registration. If you did not provide valid information, the domain name registration will be failed, and you need to contact us to sort out this issue, as a result, your domain name could be taken by others and delayed to your website/application/service deliverable.

In addition, if you select a payment method that utilises our 3rd party payment gateway, we also need your valid name, email and phone to be submitted along with the payment process for security reasons and consolidations purpose.

We also would like to inform, that we collect your browser info, IP address, country, login and logout date time when you submit login and logout activities to our system for technical security reasons.

We will keep your information private and we will not share your information with any other party except the domain registrar and the payment gateway.

Our system is using cookies only for login purposes. The cookies are safely encrypted and will be expired every 7 days. When you perform a logout, the cookies will be deleted.

We use Google’s Web Tools to help us track the use of our website and other related features (such as remarketing and paid advertising campaigns). The information that is collected is pseudonymized; a visitor ID is allocated for each cookie read, but the MAC address or IP address are encrypted by Google, and we do not have access to this information. This encrypted information is stored on Google servers, some of which may be outside of your legal jurisdiction.

ARDVRO has the right to destroy any data or information in terms of violation of the terms and services.


Data Policy.

We believe that there is no system that cannot be hacked. We also believed that somehow hardware failure could happen at any time. Thus, to minimise the risk and effort of recovery, we have anticipated and have a backups and recoveries plan in case of such things happen.

We implement all recommended and best practice security mechanisms to our IT Infrastructure. And on the application, we have implemented our application security mechanism through intensive research. We also have an automated backup mechanism on our server, and we store the backup on many other devices. Even so, we highly recommend backup your data using our one-click backup tool regularly.

In case of data loss that happens because of our system failure, we would try as much possible as we can to recover it even though the possibility is very small, and we cannot guaranty it can be recovered. After trying several hours and data still can not be recovered, then nothing we can do, and will provide you with a refund. The refund will be subject to our refund policy. Since we have mentioned the data policy, thus, by using ARDVRO services mean you also agree with this policy, thus ARDVRO will be free for any demands. Therefore, we highly recommend that you also backup your database regularly using our one-click database backup downloaded to your device.

If the data is lost because of the client's mistakes, for example accidentally dropping the database, accidentally deleting the data or application, then we do not responsible for those cases. Therefore, we highly recommend that you backup your database regularly using our one-click database backup downloaded to your device.

Furthermore, the Free package is designed only for testing and trial purposes. Thus, we recommended not to use it for production since it is subject to downtime and data deletion, it also slower than the other package, and the possibilities of data loss is higher.


Conflicts Policy.

In case whereas the client claim that they have been successfully made the payment and their balance have been deducted because of the payment. However, in fact, ARDVRO did not receive any payment. The following steps need to undertake:

  1. Client have to wait until 3 x 24 Hours of working day and confirm to their bank.
  2. If still not resolved, if the selected payment is BCA manual transfer, then ARDVRO and the client have to go to the bank together to ask for clarity, checking and prove. The client has to bring all their bank account credential such as saving book, ATM card, and National Identity Card, as well as ARDVRO. If the bank has confirmed that no transaction has been made and there is no transfer have been done to the ARDVRO account then ARDVRO will be free from all demands, and ARDVRO has the right to ban the client's user account.
  3. If the selected payment is Midtrans then ARDVRO and the client have to go to the Midtrans Office together to ask for clarity, checking and prove. The client has to bring all their bank account credential such as saving book, ATM card, and National Identity Card, as well as ARDVRO. If Midtrans has confirmed that no transaction has been made and there is no transfer have been done to the ARDVRO account then ARDVRO will be free from all demands, and ARDVRO has the right to ban the client's user account.
  4. If the selected payment is PayPal, first of all, ARDVRO and the client will contact the customer service of PayPal to ask for clarity. If PayPal has confirmed that no transaction has been made and there is no transfer have been done to the ARDVRO account then ARDVRO will be free from all demands, and ARDVRO has the right to ban the client's user account. If the PayPal customer service did not provide clear information or did not respond to the email, then ARDVRO and the client will meet together, then ARDVRO and the client have to show each other their PayPal transaction histories to find if there was payment to the transaction. ARDVRO will show that there is no transaction history of the payment, therefore, ARDVRO will be free from all demands, and ARDVRO has the right to ban the client's user account.

In case that the clients complain about things that do not mention in these terms of services, or a miscommunication, ARDVRO will explain logical reasons, then ARDVRO will be free from all demands, and ARDVRO has the right to ban the client's user account.


Refund Policy.

We only accept a refund if meet the condition describes below:

  1. In case our system failed to install and deploy the clients' website/application/service in 72 hours starting from the date-time which the order was marked as "Paid" because of our technical failure.
  2. In a condition where you already purchase a domain name and you provide all the correct information needed by the domain registrar, however, in the meantime, somehow the domain names have been taken by others in the waiting and processing period, and our system cannot purchase the domain name you selected, then nothing we can do. You have the option to propose a refund or find another domain name.
  3. In case of our system failure more than 7 x 24 hours consecutively, we will provide a refund calculated based on the remaining time of your subscription minus domain price minus 25% of the refund charge.
  4. In case of dissatisfaction clients if meet the condition describes below:
    1. The date-time you proposed the refund do not more than 3 x 24 hours starting from the paid date time on the invoice.
    2. You have been using our FREE subscriptions for more than 3 x 24 hours.
    3. You provide reasonable reasons that we can accept.

The domain name cannot be refunded for any reason.

There will be a 25% charge of refund for all conditions from the total amount on the invoice. The total amount of the invoice will be based on our data.

We imposed the 25% refund charge because of the reasons describes below:

  1. There is a marketing fee we paid that is not possible to be refunded.
  2. We subsidise the payment charge imposed on ARDVRO by the payment gateway provider, which also cannot be refunded.
  3. There are taxes we pay regularly to the government based on the received payment, and it will be a wase to proposed with the refund.
  4. The accounting and financial process for the refund would be complicated on our side and at the moment can not be done automatically by our system, therefore, perhaps we also need to pay an extra charge to another party.


Copyright and Trademark Policy.

The content used in the Services, the Website, Applications, Services and the processes, their selection and arrangement, including but not limited to all text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, binary files, sounds and music (if any), artwork and code on the Website is the sole and exclusive property of ARDVRO; and is protected by copyright, trademark and other applicable intellectual property laws and regulations in force.

Unless otherwise stated and expressly mentioned, ARDVRO owns all Intellectual Property Rights to and into the trademark "ARDVRO", and the website, including but not limited to the compilation of all content, software, any and all rights, title and interest in and to copyright, related rights, patents, utility models, designs, know-how, trade secrets and inventions (patent pending), goodwill, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, source code, meta tags, databases, text, content, graphics, icons and logos.

You agree that you shall not reproduce or use the content in any form without the prior written consent of ARDVRO. Any reproduction or editing by any means manual, mechanical or electronic without the explicit written permission of ARDVRO will be a breach of these Terms and provides ARDVRO with the right to initiate legal proceedings against you. You agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from content or materials on the Website without the prior written permission of ARDVRO. Use of the content and materials for any purpose not expressly permitted in these Terms of Use, is prohibited. We are not liable for any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary or IPR arising out of content posted on or transmitted through the Website by our other users. Further, you agree not to download, transmit, reproduce or distribute any material/content/User Content (including the User Content submitted by you) from the Website without being expressly authorised to do so by ARDVRO.

The copyright and the trademark of ARDVRO also have been officially registered to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, Republic of Indonesia.


On-Premise Policy.

Since our system does not yet support for On-Premise package orders, thus, it needs to process manually, and some of the processes should be done offline. Therefore, the Terms of Services described on this website are not all applicable for the on-premise package. We would arrange other terms and agreements with the clients who are interested to purchase the On-Premise package.


ARDVRO Domain Names Acknowledgement.

ARDVRO has several domain names associated with it. We have those domain names mainly for technical purposes. Thus, we also only sent emails under those domain names. Any website or email which has a similar name to ARDVRO please ignore it, it is not ARDVRO. If received a suspicious email or view a suspicious website, please Contact Us. Below we list all ARDVRO domain names:

ardvro.com |ardvro.net | ardvro.org | ardvro.biz | ardvro.asia | ardvro.me | ardvro.id | ardvro.co.id | sqljson.com | webappgear.com | netcorehost.com | kenviro.net | kinvaro.net



Terms of Service in English.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Layanan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.