As a platform, ARDVRO is a cloud application framework to enable rapid application development in the cloud environment that minimizes coding effort, minimize complexity, integrated security mechanisms, fast data access and support external requests.

The Ardvro cloud application framework was engineered through extensive research since the founder had been calculated that no software architecture design can be the best fit to achieve the goal.

Although have some advantages, the popular microservice architecture, monolitich architecture with three-layer or onion architecture have some drawbacks to make it difficult to achieve the goal. Therefore, a research project needed to undertake by mixing the advantages of the selected deployment architectural style and selected architectural pattern. The research shoule be result in a robust software architecture design including the architectural style and the architectural pattern that fit the cloud-based application's behaviour and with a flexible deployment strategy.

Eventually, the research has been resulting in a discovery of a new architectural pattern whereas the context point of view is on the aspects, the author named it a Node. The author arranges 6 Nodes and their dependencies. Each node has its own concern. The concern of this architectural pattern is on the node's dependencies and on the request-response data flow. Moreover, this architectural pattern allows the system to be deployed either in monolithic style or microservice style. The architecture is allowed to be run on separated or integrated local web servers like Kestrel, NGix, Apache, Docker container, or IIS.

The research did not end on paper only with the architectural pattern and architectural deployment. The research continued until the implementation of the architectural pattern. The next phase of the research project is to develop a framework and reusable libraries for the Core, Communication and External nodes from scratch and try as much as possible to use any third party libraries besides the libraries that Microsoft develop. And as a result, the author has developed from scratch these libraries below:

  • Core Library for Backend and Frontend, including extension, utilities, injection, interception, settings, cache.
  • Data Access Framework, totally new data access framework, with behavior mixing between Entity Framework and Dapper.
  • WebSocket Protocol with three-layers end-to-end encryption and compression.
  • External Library, including: logging, realtime notification, httpapi, email, export.
  • Artificial Intelligence Library, written from scracth without using any 3rd party libraries.
  • Javascript UI Framework with minimalist concept to minimize coding effort without JQuery and any third party library, except bootstrap.

    |            |              |             |
    |            | ipart05a.dll | part05a.dll |
    |            | ipart04a.dll | part04a.dll |
    |  wf01.dll  | ipart01a.dll | part01a.dll |
    |  wf02.dll  | ipart02a.dll | part02a.dll |
    |  wf03.dll  | ipart03a.dll | part03a.dll |
    |  Workflow  |    Adapter   |    Part     |
    |  [Communication]   [Core]   [External]  |
    |           Server Instance 01            |

We will release the publication paper soon

ARDVRO backend is built using Microsoft .NET 6.0 technology with a very minimum of using any 3rd party libraries and run under Linux. The data access layer was built from scratch through extensive research, as well as the Web Socket framework protocols. The other common libraries that were built by the founder were the interceptor library, dependencies injection extensions, object factories, logger, artificial intelligence libraries, mathematic and statistics helpers and other reusable libraries. Microsoft .NET is a cross-platform and the most stable software development platform for enterprise systems and proven since 2001. While the web frontend is built with pure javascript without JQuery or any other Javascript framework.

ARDVRO has developed automated deployment tools to automate the application deployment process on the Operating System that involved the IT Infrastructure configuration, starting from the order, payment, account setup, domain purchase, application deployment and billing. The process runs itself without human intervention. Thus, we have minimised the risk of technical issues because of human error.

ARDVRO has a custom project tool that allows users to create a custom application by using ARDVRO Framework. Furthermore, after creating the project, the users can deploy their application on the ARDVRO environment and be ready to use it.


The diagram above illustrates the position of SQLJSON as a hub and the ability to integrate enterprise IT applications.

The orange line describes access by the registered applications on SQLJSON. Firstly, from any kind of device run the applications on which would be connected to public ARDVRO SQLJSON Services through the public internet. Secondly, ARDVRO SQLJSON Services will run the application's components which describe in blue lines. Finally, the application's components will access databases and return the data results. However, ARDVRO SQLJSON has capabilities to access the applications' components database, which is illustrated in dark orange lines, as well as accessing the other 3rd party databases.

The green line describes the standard flow of existing applications access, in which each application has its own opened public services on the internet. And perhaps, each application has its own users itself which is different between applications. The silver line shows our proposed solutions to secure and integrate the enterprise applications through ARDVRO SQLJSON.

ARDVRO SQLJSON also has capabilities to communicate to the legacy applications, either directly to its database or to its applications services. Moreover, ARDVRO SQLJSON also has a user membership structure that allows enterprises organization units to collaborate securely in a single ecosystem. ARDVRO SQLJSON is able to merge the legacy applications user membership into one single enterprise application and enable the Single Sign-On through the enterprise IT environment. However, we need to develop a driver adapter to integrate the user membership, thus we need to analyze the system before it.

The integrations mechanism works through the direct API and managed integration. For more detail about the integrations API click here.