let data = { Name: "customer name", OrderId: "999abcdef" }; let auth = { username: "username01", password: "thepassword" }; let integrationId = 9; let ctrl = new IntegrationController({ Connector: _connector }); ctrl.Execute(integrationId, data, auth, function (result){ //http get result } ); //send realtime data/message to user let usertarget = "user01name"; ctrl.Send(usertarget, data, function (result){ } ); //broadcast realtime data/message to user let usertargets = "user01name,user02name,user03name"; ctrl.Broadcast(usertargets, data, function (result){ } ); //call a WebApiIntegration //HTTP GET, no auth, //Command = 'https://localhost:11190/webapi/file'; let integrationId = 9; let ctrl = new IntegrationController({ Connector: _connector }); //data field will be the querystring let data = { id:0, name: "custname" }; ctrl.Execute(integrationId, data, null, function (result){ //http get result } ); let data = 99; //ie https://localhost/webapi/file/data ctrl.Execute(integrationId, data, null, function (result){ //http get result } ); let data = { id:0, name: "custname" }; let auth = { username: "username01", password: "thepassword" };//will be sent to target with post ctrl.Execute(integrationId, data, auth, function (result){ //http get result } );