Web Hosting - basic

  1. How long does it take to set up a new account?
    We will activate immediately upon receipt of your order and proof of payment. Generally the process is less than 24 hours
  2. What materials can I put on my website? You may place any material, as long as it does not violate any applicable law. (You are not allowed to put illegal materials such as pornography / illegal software / Mp3 etc)
  3. How do I configure my website?
    Login with your username and password to control panel at https: // [domainanda.com]: 2083,
    you can easily configure your website
  4. How do I publish my website?
    You must create an index.html file, index.php as the start page of your website. After that upload via FTP to the public_html directory.

  5. How do I upload my file files that are on my computer to my homepage?
    We recommend that you use the ftp software installed on your computer.
    If you do not want to use ftp software, you can use the web based file manager feature located in the control panel, login with your username and password to control panel at http: // [domainanda.com] / cpanel.
  6. How do I view my website visitors stats?
    You can use analog statistics, Webstat or Awstat features in the control panel

Domain Name

  1. What is DOMAIN?
    Domain means your personal website address, for example (http://www.yourdomain.com/). Your visitor will be sent to your website every time visitors enter the domain name tsb. Your website will appear more professionally through your personal web address (www.domainanda.com) and your personal e-mail address (you@yourdomain.com).

  2. How do I register a domain?
    You can register a domain through WebiiHost.Com.

  3. I already have a domain, how do I redirect a domain to your server?
    Replace your domain nameservers pointing to our server.
    Point your domain ns to: ns1.ardvro.org and ns2.ardvro.org ,
  4. Can I redirect a new domain to the same page from my domain?
    You can do so by using the redirect facility that is in the control panel
  5. How long does it take to activate the domain I order?
    The domain you are ordering will be active within 24-48 hours

Control Panel

  1. What is a control panel?
    Control panel is a web based tool used to configure your hosting account
  2. What control panel is provided?
    The control panel we provide is Centos Web Panel.

Email Settings

  1. How do I add / modify email accounts?
    You can do this through your control panel.

  2. What is the default email / catch all email?
    Default email / catch all email, is a feature that we provide to accommodate email email addressed to your domain to one particular address. for example you create a default email office@yourdomain.com, then email email sent to something@yourdomain.com will go to office@yourdomain.com. This setting is not recommended for activation because your email account will be vulnerable to spam dictionary attack activity
  3. How do I disable the default email / catch all email function?
    You can disable the default email / catch all email function by setting the default email in the control panel with the word : fail:

  4. What is SPAM?
    What is meant by SPAM is an e-mail sent to an unknown person and without the consent of the recipient. Sending commercial ads on UseNet newsgroups that do not allow it. Sending articles containing binary encoded data to non-binary newsgroups. Post off-topic news to newsgroups.

  5. What are the sanctions when a client has SPAM?
    We do not allow spamming. We will provide a warning to clients who do so, if they continue to violate, then our account will be deleted. There is no compensation related to account closure due to SPAM that has been done.


  1. How to manage the database?
    You can use the phpmyadmin feature we provide in the control panel

  2. What is phpmyadmin?

    pypmyadmin is a web based system for managing your database, you can create, modify, insert data, delete data into your database.


  • Payment succeed however the order status still unpaid. Posibilieties:
    1. Perhaps our system did not receive any notification signal yet from the selected payment gateway provider.
    2. Perhaps the payment you made did not match exactly with the amount on your invoice.
    3. Perhaps you did not submit your payment properly yet.
    4. Perhaps the payment request we sent from our server was rejected by the PayPal server.
    5. Perhaps your payment is still under consolidation since you select the manual bank transfer account, therefore it will take more time.
    To resolve those issues above please Contact Us
  • Payment failed on the order form. Posibilietes:
    1. Perhaps the payment request we sent from our server was rejected due to duplicated order number because of interuppted internet connection.
    2. Perhaps your order have not been created properly.
    To resolve those issues above please Contact Us


  • Web Application still not availabe yet. Posibilities:
    1. The invoice status have not been change to paid yet. Please hava a wait a few hours more or contact us and include this message with your order id, payment date, and payment slip, we will check it soon.
    2. Your application deployment scheduler is on waiting list. Please hava a wait a few hours more or contact us and include this message with your order id, payment date, and payment slip, we will check it soon.
    3. The domain name still in propagation periode.Please hava a wait a few hours more or contact us and include this message with your order id, payment date, and payment slip, we will check it soon.
  • Application error. Posibilities:
    1. There is an error with your application during the deployment.
    2. Perhaps application accidently have been uninstall by the user.
    3. Perhaps database have been modified or deleted accidentally by the user.

Login and Registration

  • Did not get the registration code sent to email. Posibilites:
    1. The email was located in the spam folder. Check your spam folder and mark is as Not spam, or try to re-register using the same username.
  • The email was not sent and also not available in the spam folder. Posibilites:
    1. The email was not sent and also not available in the spam folder. Try to re-register using the same username.
  • Login failed. Posibilities:
    1. Different login type setting. Use apropriate login type as your setting, if you setting to using OTP Login then use the OTP login menu, if you the two factors login then follow the two factors authentication mechanism.
    2. Your account have been locked. Please contact us to proceed.

Web Hosting - basic

  1. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mensetup sebuah account baru ?
    Kami akan segera aktifkan apabila telah menerima order dan bukti pembayaran dari anda. Umumnya prosesnya kurang dari 24 jam.

  2. Material apasajakah yang bisa saya letakkan di website saya?
    Anda dapat meletakkan material apa saja, selama tidak menyalahi undang undang yang berlaku. (Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk meletakkan material illegal seperti pornografi / illegal software / Mp3 dll)

  3. Bagaimana cara mengkonfigurasi website saya?
    Login dengan username dan password anda ke control panel di alamat https://[domainanda.com]:2083,
    anda dapat dengan mudah menkonfigurasi website anda.

  4. Bagaimana cara mempublikasi website saya?
    Anda harus membuat file index.html, index.php sebagai halaman awal website anda. Setelah itu upload melalui FTP ke directory public_html.

  5. Bagaimana cara meng-upload file file saya yang ada di komputer ke homepage saya?
    Kami menganjurkan anda menggunakan software ftp yang diinstallkan pada komputer anda.
    Jika anda tidak ingin menggunakan software ftp, anda dapat menggunakan fitur web based file manager yang terdapat di control panel, Login dengan username dan password anda ke control panel di alamat http://[domainanda.com]/cpanel.

  6. Bagaimana saya melihat statistik pengunjung website saya?
    Anda dapat menggunakan fitur analog statistik, webstat atau Awstat yang ada di control panel.

Nama Domain

  1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan DOMAIN?
    Domain berarti alamat pribadi website anda, misalnya (http://www.domainanda.com/). Pengunjung anda akan dikirim ke website anda setiap kali pengunjung memasukkan nama domain tsb. Website anda akan tampil lebih profesional melalui alamat internet web anda pribadi (www.domainanda.com) dan alamat e-mail pribadi anda (anda@domainanda.com).

  2. Bagaimana cara saya mendaftarkan domain?
    Anda dapat mendaftarkan domain melalui WebiiHost.Com .

  3. Saya sudah punya domain, bagaimana caranya mengarahkan domain ke server anda ?
    Ganti nameserver domain anda mengarah ke server kami.
    Arahkan ns domain anda ke: ns1.ardvro.org dan ns1.ardvro.org ,
  4. Dapatkah saya mengarahkan domain yang baru ke halaman yang sama dari domain saya ?
    Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menggunakan fasilitas redirect yang ada di control panel.

  5. Berapa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengaktifkan domain yang saya pesan?
    Domain yang anda pesan akan aktif dalam jangka waktu 24-48 jam.

Control Panel

  1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan control panel?
    Control panel adalah suatu web based tools yang digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasikan account hosting anda.

  2. Control panel apa yang disediakan?
    Control panel yang kami sediakan adalah Centos Web Panel .

Setting Email

  1. Bagaimana cara saya menambah/memodifikasi account email?
    Anda dapat melakukannya melalui control panel anda.

  2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan default email/catch all email?
    Default email/catch all email, adalah fitur yang kami sediakan untuk menampung email email yang ditujukan ke domain anda ke satu alamat tertentu. misalnya anda membuat default email office@domainanda.com, maka email email yang dikirimkan kepada sesuatu@domainanda.com akan masuk ke office@domainanda.com. Setting ini tidak di rekomendasikan untuk diaktifkan karena account email anda akan rentan dengan aktifitas spam dictionary attack.

  3. Bagaimana cara saya menonaktifkan fungsi default email/catch all email?
    Anda dapat menonaktifkan fungsi default email/catch all email dengan men set default email pada control panel dengan kata :fail:

  4. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan SPAM ?
    Yang dimaksud dengan SPAM adalah e-mail yang dikirimkan kepada orang yang tidak dikenal dan tanpa seijin penerima. Mengirim iklan komersial pada UseNet newsgroups yang tidak mengijinkan hal itu. Mengirim artikel yang berisi binary encoded data ke non-binary newsgroup. Posting berita yang di luar topik ke newsgroups.

  5. Apa sanksi bila ada klien yang melakukan SPAM?
    Kami tidak mengizinkan spamming. Kami akan memberikan peringatan bagi klien yang melakukannya, jika tetap melanggar, maka account akan kami delete. Tidak ada ganti rugi berkaitan dengan penutupan account akibat SPAM yang telah dilakukan.


  1. Bagaimana caranya memanajemen database?
    Anda dapat menggunakan fitur phpmyadmin yang kami sediakan di control panel

  2. Apakah yang dimaksud phpmyadmin?
    pypmyadmin adalah sebuah web based system untuk memanajemen database anda, anda dapat membuat , memodifikasi, insert data, delete data ke dalam database anda.