Cloud Application Framework with Client-side SQL Fuzzy Query API and Integrated Security Logic







This research was undertaken to develop a new application framework and architectural pattern that best fit the cloud-based applications. In summary, there are three aspects this research would be concerned with, there are communication, data access and architectural pattern.

On the communication aspect, to enable secure and real-time full-duplex communication, this research develops a new Web Socket protocol with two RSA keys and dynamic AES keys, and each application should have an ID and keys to connect with.

On the data access aspect, to enhance performance and simplify the query syntax, this research developed a new data access framework that can be used for internal backend and client-side queries with an authorization mechanism that can be configured dynamically. Furthermore, the data access also has fuzzy query functions on which the Fuzzy membership can be defined manually on a stored configuration. This Fuzzy query would be useful to perform filtering on big data queries.

On the architectural pattern and style, to improve the scalability and flexibility, this research has developed a new approach of architectural pattern design from the combination of onion architectural pattern and three-layered architectural pattern. There are six nodes that have been defined in this architectural style:  1) Core node as the cross-cutting concern. 2) Adapter node, contains interfaces and domain model. 3) Workflow node is the overview business logic, which will trigger some adapter interfaces. 4) Part node, contains the implementation of adapter interfaces. 5) The External node, contains external operations functions. 6) The communication node will perform as a gateway service.


Software Architecture, Architectural Pattern, Architectural Style, Client-Side SQL Query, Fuzzy Query, Fuzzy Logic.

