
ARDVRO is a start-up software company that provides Backend as a Service with Artificial Intelligence API. ARDVRO also is a registered brand and copyrighted software.

ARDVRO's Backend as a Service + AI is a Low-Code Distributed Backend Platform for Web and Mobile Applications with SQL Query, Workflow Engine, Artificial Intelligence, and Middleware APIs.

ARDVRO is a start-up company, even so the founder of ARDVRO is Not a start-up person.

The founder of ARDVRO is currently a PhD Student in Artificial Intelligence at Lincoln University New Zealand. He also a Research Software Engineer with over 17 years of experience in Software Development for European, Australian and Indonesian companies in various industries.

He earned his Master's degree in Computer Science with a research thesis in the Artificial Intelligence field. In the research, he investigated an approach to automate the knowledge acquisition process on expert systems using Text Mining methods.

He finished his Bachelor of Computer Science degree with a research thesis that aimed to develop an integrated system of hardware and software as a security camera to detect motions and can be monitored online from a web page. In 2005, this kind of device was a relatively new technology at the time.

He also has Microsoft Certified Profesional Developer (MCPD), Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS).

Journey through the decades

2011 - 2012.
The founder had begun the research in the later of 2011 to later of 2012 silently after office hours (he was a salaryman). The main priority of research was to discover the flexible and robust software architecture from the backend to the frontend, including the framework, data access, dependencies injection, frontend UI controls, and the other reusable libraries using the latest technology of Microsoft .NET.

Introduce the first handmade coding prototype of the Data Access component that supports LINQ to SQL and Lazy Loading. Therefore, all the framework was beginning to use the ARDVRO's data access rather than the famous Entity Framework and found that the Data Access is faster when Updating the data.

2014 - 2015.
Developed secure protocol communication using Web Socket that able to communicate for both mobile and web javascript application. Continued develop the others component, such as Dependency Injection Library, Serialization, Object Factories, Function, Common Utils, and the other reusable libraries.

2015 - 2016.
Started the development of Android Framework and Application, and also the Backend side. The Android Framework included: Java data access, Web Socket Protocol, UI control, and other reusable libraries. 2016 the name of ARDVRO was discover from hundreds of options, then bought the ardvro.com domain.

Bought the first 1U server. On 7 September 2017, ARDVRO Application was Go Live with the first Android application with a back-end called Kenviro. It is a chat application with the ability to integrate with multiple providers, contacts management, and SMS Spam recognition and report. Could be said that ARDVRO was born on this date.

Started the development of POS and Distribution application named Kinvaro. Developed NetCoreHost for web hosting application and developed the web version of Kenviro. Launched Kinvaro, NetCoreHost, and the web version of Kenviro. The founder was thinking of the idea of SQLJSON and WebAppGear, then bought the domain. Participate in the development of a volunteering project for free, named dhammapedia.net. Reconsidered the business goal, strategy and budget.

2019 - 2020.
2019 Rewrite up to approximately 70% of the code. Postpone Kenviro and Kinvaro, rewrite NetCoreHost. Figure out the SQLJSON will be the Backend, and WebAppGear will be the frontend and immediately start the development. 2020 reconsider the Architecture and discovered a new Architecture called Star Architecture, later become ARDVRO Architecture. Include the Chat Module of Kenviro to the CMS Plugin of WebAppGear. Discovered the automatic website, domain and user deployment to Centos Web Panel. Before September 2020, all the ARDVRO's development activities were undertaken after office hours. Since 7 September 2020, the development was begun full-time 12 hours * 7 days a week. 2020 was an essential moment for ARDVRO.


26 Feb 2021 relaunched ARDVRO and introduce two products that were SQLJSON as Cloud Backend and WebAppGear as the frontend and Website Builder.

15 Mar 2021, ARDVRO trademark, since the registration proses started to Indonesian government, therefore the ARDVRO trademark have been officially protected by Indonesia government.

25 Mar 2021, as a software, ARDVRO officially registered it's copyright in Indonesia government.

Jun 2021, started the research and development of new project, project code Kenviro.

7 September 2021, in Indonesia, ARDVRO has been officially registered as a private limited company with the name PT. ARDVRO SISTEM TEKNOLOGI.

11 October 2021, we launch the alpha release of our new product "Kenviro | Intelligent Apps". A set of artificial intelligence applications in 1 platform: Expert System, Decision Support System, Text Mining, Machine Learning. Moreover, each module have various plugin, Expert System has a Chatbot plugin, and also an Automated Knowledge Acquisition for expert system and chatbot using the Text Mining component. The Text Mining component has a Knowledge Management System plugin that could perform as a supporting tools for your users and customer, including the chatbot. RnD activities continue goes on.

11 November 2021, we successfully migrated ARDVRO systems to Microsoft .NET 6.0, as well as released the stable version of ARDVRO's products. Microsoft .NET Framework is a cross-platform and the most stable software development platform for enterprise systems and proven since 2001.


Earlier in 2022, in Indonesia, we plan to move the office to Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk. We already have our own shophouse (Ruko) a few years ago, it's our, not rent, not a mortgage.

May 2022, Unfortunely, we change our plan, instead of put effort on moving office, we decide to focus on developing more features and change the marketing and branding strategy first.

May - November 2022, We started to developed new features such as Workflow Engine, API Gateway, enhance Middleware modules. We also enhance our architecture to support Distributed Clustering Systems by utilising Microsoft Orleans Framework. We also upgrading to .NET 7.0.

December 2022, we launhed and released our new version 1.2.


Feb 2023, The Founder starting his PhD study in Artificial Intelligence at Lincoln University, NZ.

ARDVRO's vision is to become a reliable Backend as a Service provider.

ARDVRO's mission is to help clients to minimize Software Development and System Integration costs and efforts.

ARDVRO's' value is the high quality of software and innovation through research.

Jl. Arimbi No. 31, Rawa Buaya,
Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, 11740

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