Create Project.

  1. After Login, go to dashboard Then click Projects.
  2. Create "plus" button to create new project.
  3. Input the project information, then click Save button.
    Project Type:
                    Public -> You can share your project to others.
                    Private -> Only your workgroups members can access the project.
    Hosting Type: You have to Select "AppHosting".
  4. After you saved, the project items will be appear.
    1. Published Template Setup Items.
      1. Published Template.
        1. You can create an application template.
        2. If you set public the others member can use your template.
      2. Project Setup Items.
        1. Setting that can be input by the users.
        2. You can set the any input variables, rules and type.
    2. SQL Web API Data Schema.
      1. Data Source.
        1. Table. You can create a database table, create on the Data source tree to create new.  After you click save, refresh the Tree, then the new item named Data Source Item will appear under your table name.
          1. Data Source Item (table columns). You need to defined the columns. To create the columns of the table click on the Data Source Item node.
          2. Data Source Roles. You can define what type of roles that has the access right to the table of each of CRUD operation.
        2. Procedure.  You can create a database store procedure, create on the Data source tree to create new.  On the content, type the SQL Store procedure code.
          1. Data Source Item (Store procedure arguments). You need to defined the columns. To create the columns of the table click on the Data Source Item node.
          2. Data Source Roles. You can define what type of roles that has the access right to the access the Store Procedure.

Database script.
You can use any database query when deploying a project. When you deploy a project, a new database will be created, and all Database script will be executed in the database. You can write table, store procedure, Initinial on this item. But if you create table and procedure in this item, you need to define the access roles later after your project have been deployed.