1. Select a template.
    WebApggear select template
  2. Create website content. Type your website content like you typing on the MS. Word App.
    WebAppGear Content
  3. Select package options:
    WebAppGear select packages
  4. If you select FREE package, then just klik "Submit and Deploy".
    WebAppGear select free package
  5. If you select Lite Package, then fill your domain, subscription duration, and voucher code if you have. We highly recommended this options for non-IT background Note new domain will take approximately upto 48 hours to be redirected to ARDVRO Server, as well as existing or transfered domain. You can manage the domain on the Domain menu in the Dashboard https://app.ardvro.com. The domain will remain yours as long as you pay the registration fee to the Domain registrar, can be through us or others.
    WebAppGear lite package
  6. If you select Pro Package, you need to fill up your CPanel username with 8 characters length. Note: if you are Advanced User with some basic IT background, you can choose the Pro Package. But if you want the simplest one, you can also choose the Lite Package. if you are a non-technical user without any IT background, we highly recommend choosing the Lite Package.
    WebAppGear Pro
  7. Payments. The payment will depend on your country, and it will display an information on how to pay, and follow the instruction.
    WebAppGear Payments
  8. Deployment. After we received your payment, our system will automatically deploy your website. Note: for new domain it will takes approximately between 3 to 48 hours to redirected to ARDVRO Server, as well as for transfer domain or exsiting domain that not point to ARDVRO name server yet. ARDVRO NameServer ns1.ardvro.org ns2.ardvro.org